QTri launch virtual fitness challenge
Something to get you motivated: QTri triathlon club has launched avirtual multisport challenge for June and July. Named after theirinspirational Island Race Series, this year’s event in fact allowsathletes to complete the legs while meeting MoPH regulations for amateursports. Athletes are free to complete the challenge anywhere in asocially isolated place, anytime during the two week window and recordtheir time and distance using GPS. There are two personal fitnesschallenges to complete:
Salifa Island Aquathlon
Complete a 750m swim and a 5km run between Thursday 17th Jun – Sunday 27 Jun (results to be submitted by 12:00 noon Mon 28 June)
Bin Ghanim Island Duathlon
Complete a 5km run, 20km bike and a 2.5km run between Thursday 1stJuly – Sunday 11 July (results to be submitted by 12:00 noon Mon 12July)
How it works
- QTRI is operating the QTri Island races (virtual) in partnership with Trails Sport Events
- Sign up online – Register here
- Complete the distance, any time, anywhere – There are two 10-day windows in which to complete the required distances for the aquathlon and duathlon.
- Upload the results – Results upload link will beemailed to all registered athletes. Upon completion, upload thedistance, time and proof of completion before 12 noon on the publishedcut-off date.
- Race results will be displayed on the website two days following each race.
- Medals & swag delivered to athlete’s home 3 weeks after the event– Bespoke medals will be delivered to athletes to their home 3 weeks(max) after the completion of the 2 race series. There is no deliveryservice outside of Qatar. The bespoke swag pack contains aquathlonfinisher medal, duathlon finisher medal, T-Shirt, visor, bag.